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Our Staff Team

We have a high staff-children ratio and our small size means the staff team gets to know well each and every child and parent. This vital part of our work was observed by Ofsted who commented children are:

'Secure in the setting with staff they know well.' 

'Praise and encourage all the children to enjoy being part of a group'.

'Staff encourage children to become independent.' 

'Staff identify the importance of supporting children's communication skills'. 

'Staff are attentive, listening carefully to children and developing conversations about the things that children are interested in.'

Specifically to 2 Year Olds

'Staff carefully consider the needs of the younger children in the setting'. 

'They engage with families and ensure that each child is supported to settle in to the setting at their own pace'.

'Staff adapt learning to take account of children's development'

Our team has worked closely together for almost 20 years and with the neighbouring primary school staff.

Tania Barretto

BA Hons, PGCE, Early Years Professional Status

Breakfast Club, Pre-school and After-school Club

I have always wanted to teach so, after a degree in Modern Languages, I completed my PGCE in the Early Primary age range. After teaching in schools in East London and in Essex I returned to my home county of Devon to bring up my three sons.

I have been a pre-school manager since 2005, and in 2007 I joined the team at Ugborough. Through my time at Ugborough we have developed from a pre-school opening just four mornings a week, to our current 8am-6pm every day. I thoroughly enjoy working with my various colleagues who are passionate about getting the best out of every child, and our parents appreciate our kindness and welcome. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and good communication with our many parents and carers.

I am very much looking forward to our next chapter at preschool with plans afoot for a dedicated pre-school and after school club building. 

Naomi Williams

Pre-school Deputy Manager

Breakfast Club and After-school Club


My name is Naomi Williams. I started working at pre-school in 2004 and completed my NVQ3 in Early Years Care and Education in 2005.


I have always had a particular interest in encouraging young children to explore and learn about their natural outdoor environment. This passion led me to complete my training as a Forest School Leader in 2012. This enabled me to set up our own Forest School area adjacent to the primary school from which we plan weekly sessions during the spring, summer and autumn terms.

I also lead weekly cooking sessions and enjoy joining the children in messy play activities.


Sarah Bolton

Pre-school and After school Club


Hi. My name is Sarah Bolton and I have worked at Ugborough and Bittaford Pre-school since 2007, having moved back from Germany where I lived for 8 years with my husband and three daughers. I had previously worked at my daughters' pre-school in Catterick Barracks Bielefeld.

Since working in Ugborough I have achieved my NVQ2 and 3 in Childcare Learning and Development. I have also trained as a Forest School Assistant and help hold weekly sessions led by our Forest School Leader. It has always amazed me how the children blossom and thrive during these sessions and it is a joy to experience.

We are a fun and friendly pre-school and I enjoy very much coming to work.


The pre-school is a committee run charity. This means that it is run by a group of parents who volunteer to sit on the committee which legally has a Chair, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. The committee meets about twice a term to discuss and make decisions on all pre-school policy, procedure, and business matters, as well as fund-raising and events. The day-to-day running of the pre-school is managed by the Manager and Deputy but overseen by the committee who have overall responsibility for the pre-school.

Parents on the Committee work very closely with staff which ensures that all points of view are represented in how the Pre-School is managed and run. Having a voluntary Chair means that there is another point of contact for parents.
We are always keen to welcome parents to join the Committee - it is a great way of being involved in the Pre-School experience that your child has, as well as getting to know the staff and other parents better. If you are interested in this, please do not hesitate to contact our Chair, Charlotte Walliker, via the pre-school e mail address

Policies and Documents


Ugborough and Bittaford Pre-school, including Breakfast and After School Club follow these policies in the day to day running of the provision. These are reviewed and signed annually by the Pre-school and After school club committee.



Children's rights and entitlements

Managing children with allergies or who are sick or infectious 

Safeguarding children and child protection

Working with other agencies


Special educational needs

Procedure to keep staff safe

Illness and exclusion policy

Admissions and fees policy

© 2020 Ugborough and Bittaford Pre-School. Registered Charity Number: 1043499

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