After school/breakfast club booking form
Pre-School Funding Structure
Pre-school and After School club cost £6.00 per hour
Breakfast Club (8am until 8.45am) costs £4.50 for a pre-school child
Children aged 3 are entitled to 15 hours of Early Years Entitlement Funding a week, the term after their 3rd birthday, for 38 weeks a year. Vouchers can be claimed from a maximum of 2 early years settings. Additional hours may be purchased subject to availability at the current rate of £6.00 per hour.
We are delighted to be an approved setting for the 30 hours free childcare scheme. Contact us for more details.
Details of the Government Childcare Schemes that we offer can be found here
We accommodate ad hoc hours and sessions wherever possible according to availability.
An additional fee of £2.00 per week is added to children’s bills who join in the Music and Dance session. This session is part subsidised by the Pre-School Committee. This fee is voluntary, although we hope people will agree the benefit of this specialised music and movement to their child’s education by contributing to these sessions
2gether funding
We accept children for the 2gether Devon funding, which will give 15 hours of free childcare from the term following the child’s 2nd birthday. To find out if you are eligible for this please phone the Devon helpline on 0845 155 1019.
Fee structure for Breakfast Club and After School Club (primary school aged children)
8:00 am to 8:45 am £5.50 per child
3:15 pm to 4:30pm £6.60 per child
3:15pm to 6:00pm £13.20 per child
The Club cannot give refunds for sessions booked that your child does not attend.
We will endeavour to be flexible around shift/sporadic work patterns and if extra sessions need to be booked please phone or
e-mail with your request and an extra bill can be generated.
Admissions procedure
Our school is fully inclusive and our policies promote equality of opportunity for all children. If capacity is reached, places are allocated according to our admissions policy. The manager will take the final decision in consultation with the committee.
Late Pick Up
A late pick-up fee of £5 per 5 minutes will be made at the discretion of the Committee. We understand that delays do sometimes happen and will endeavour to be fair in the way late pick up fees are applied. If you know you are not going to manage to pick up on time, please contact the Pre-School staff as soon as possible.
Sickness and holidays
We fully support parents/carers who wish to take children out of Pre-School for holidays, however sessions missed at Pre-School or After School Club for sickness or holidays will still need to be paid for.
Cancelling a child's place
If a child's place is no longer required at the Pre-School/After School Club, (apart from at normal expected entry into primary/secondary school) then we ask that a minimum of four weeks' notice is given otherwise booked sessions will need to be paid for.
Billing is done in arrears on a monthly basis, we accept Working Tax Credits/Workplace Voucher Schemes/tax free childcare
Please approach any member of staff if you have any concerns about your bill.