Healthy Setting
Outside Activities
We will always go outside at least twice a day so ask that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather ie. hats/mittens and a warm coat in cold weather, suncream and hats (we do have Pre-School sunhats too) in summer term. Staff are able to apply suncream, with a permission slip. On very rainy days to enable us to take the children to the field and wildlife area we have all-in-one wet weather gear and some spare wellies, but if your child can bring in their own wellington boots that would be appreciated. Please can we ask that all items are clearly labelled with your child's name.
As a rural setting we use the outside environment for both Pre-school and older children, we jump, kick and throw on the big school field as well as balance and climb two adventure playgrounds, we also visit the local village play area.
Safety and Safeguarding
We take the safety of the children as a top priority, we have rigorous Safeguarding policies and appropriately trained staff. Where necessary we have risk assessments and carry a first aid kit at all times when away from the hall. On registration form to join the setting, all parents are asked to sign an image permission form for their child as well as a mobile phone policy.
If your child has prescribed medicine that needs to be administered by a staff member you will be asked to fill out the following form.
A range of healthy option are available at Breakfast Club according to your child's taste; toast, bagels, fruit and unsweetened cereal.
Pre-school snacks and lunch
Our healthy focus ensures that physical sessions are complimented by healthy snacks and weekly cooking activities. All snacks and cooking are included in our hourly rate.
Your child will be offered a wide range of fruit and crackers/toast with a choice of milk or water. We follow the Early Years Oral Hygiene advice and ask that no squash or other juices are in drink bottles.
The children bring packed lunches which they eat between 12.00 and 12.45 or they have the option of purchasing a hot meal through Ugborough Primary School (menu). The current cost of a hot meal is £2.53 - for two courses.
To follow our Healthy Eating policy we would ask that no chocolate or sweets are included in packed lunches. To keep the contents chilled we would ask you to include a freezer pack. It is also important that you avoid nut products such as peanut butter and sesame products due to any potential allergies. We thank you for your understanding. If your child has any allergies please let us know and we will work with you to accommodate this.
After School Club
At After-school Club your child will be offered a healthy snack with fruit and drink at approx. 3.45pm, and a simple hot meat at 5.00pm. We try to work around likes and dislikes of the children in the group. Snacks and tea are included in our hourly rate.